Architecture 建筑设计
挪威知名建筑设计公司 Snøhetta 为上海大歌剧院的设计

The Shanghai Grand Opera House is a new design landmark in shanghai to see
“上海大歌剧院是我们设计观演文化建筑经验的自然升华。” Snøhetta创始人之一Kjetil Trædal Thorsen表示。“通过设计和胜任全球各地一系列的剧院和观演建筑,从挪威国家歌剧和芭蕾舞团(奥斯陆歌剧院),到韩国釜山歌剧院,到加拿大女王大学伊莎贝尔巴德演艺中心,再到法国巴黎的南特阿曼迪尔剧院更新,Snøhetta对剧院和观演类文化建筑设计的理解和能力游刃有余,这是公司的设计才识通过项目经验积累所自然达到的高峰。上海大歌剧院项目是Snøhetta因地制宜的实践,同时也是业主和我们团队高度重视如何令公共空间用之于民的结晶。通过设计,大歌剧院的公共归属感得以升华。这是为每一位上海市民倾力呈现的,同时又属于全中国和全世界的舞台。”
“The Shanghai Grand Opera House is a natural progression of our previous work with designing performing arts centers,” says Snøhetta Founder Kjetil Trædal Thorsen. “It is a culmination of the competence and insight gained through projects such as the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, the Busan Opera House in South Korea, the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Canada, and the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers renovation in Paris. The Shanghai Grand Opera House is a product of our contextual understanding and values, designed to promote public ownership of the building for the people of Shanghai and beyond”.