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城市规划图新西兰羊毛地毯-URBAN FABRIC

具有创意和都市感的新西兰羊毛地毯品牌 URBAN FABRIC, 也可以做墙艺, 上海有售
URBAN FABRIC 的地毯受到建筑环境的城市格局所启发。 每个城市都有自己独特的城市形态,这非常像人的指纹。没有两个城市完全一样,因此,每个地毯设计都是独一无二的。这些指纹很抽象,艺术家采用质量最佳的全新100%新西兰羊毛,以手工雕刻的方式展现。 不同的桩高使得地毯具有显著的深度和有趣的纹理,而地毯的颜色则是受到城市本身的启发。
URBAN FABRIC 上海展示了这座历史悠久的城市的变化,表现突破性的现代化进程,是如何改造和重塑了上海原貌(该部分以剩余的低密度面料呈现)。上海被较深以及饱满的红色呈现,从而表达中国文化的多重意义; 祝你好运,幸运,幸福,当然也包括了中华人民共和国的五星红旗。
URBAN FABRIC Shanghai is part of a larger series of rugs inspired by the urban patterns of our built environment. Each city has its own unique urban form,much like a human finger print. There are no two cities exactly alike. As aresult, each rug design is unique and one of a kind. These finger prints area bstracted and expressed as hand-carved, tufted 100% Virgin New Zealand Wool ofthe highest quality. Varying pile heights give the rugs a signature depth and playful texture. The colors of the rugs are inspired by the cities themselves.
URBAN FABRIC Shanghai exhibits the changing landscape of this historic city as itsbreakneck modernization overtakes the remaining swaths of Shanghai’s originallower density fabric. Shanghai is represented in a deep rich red color for itsmultiple levels of significance within the Chinese culture; good luck, fortune,happiness and of course the flag of the People’s Republic of China.
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