Editor's Choice
店铺设计-Delvaux’s New Flagship in Rome

A Home From Rome For Delvaux’s New Flagship
Delvaux, the world’s oldest fine-leather luxury goods house, has opened a Rome flagship in a historic building in the exclusive Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina.
The concept, created by long-time collaborator Vudafieri-Saverino Partners with Delvaux chairman and CEO Jean-Marc Loubier, celebrates “Belgitude” and the leit motif is a Domus Romana, the typical house inhabited by the upper classes in ancient Rome. The boutique mirrors the layout of traditional Roman homes, from the atrium (entrance), tablinum (living room) and peristilum (private, inner courtyard) to the triclinum (formal dining).
source from dezeen
意大利知名的皮具包包品牌Delvaux, 在意大利罗马发布的新的店铺设计,由知名意大利设计公司VSP操刀,做了一个意大利传统家的主题设计方案和布局……