Materials 建材供应商(新颖和高质量的Innovative and High quality), Suppliers供应商
有一种材料叫技术石英石Compac Quartz
#西班牙知名石英品牌#Compac Quartz是一个做超级美石英的品牌,不仅美,而且耐性特别强;
Technological Quartz is a product of exceptional resistance and stunning beauty. With the appearance and feel of natural quartz but with a better performance thanks to its high resistance. And it comes in an extensive range of colors, designs, sizes, thicknesses and ornamentations. It is the ideal product for kitchen worktops, floors, walls and all kinds of indoor surfaces that have to withstand intensive use.
#技术石英#是一种兼备美观和耐性的产品。 产品外貌天然纯净, 但是性能确实超出天然石英。 而且她可以是各种颜色,设计,尺寸,厚度和装饰。 它可以用于厨房台面,地面,墙面以及各种室内家具饰面,用途广泛;
#Compac Quartz# 是技术石英中的佼佼者,也是石英中的爱马仕。
Tel: +34 962 954 053