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来自瑞典BOLON PVC环保编织地板

瑞典BOLON PVC 地毯可谓是非常知名,如果需要营造一个整洁的空间,比如办公室,公寓,展厅,等其他商业空间,波龙地毯是不错的选择
最先点亮Bolon这一创意之光的是我们的创始人Nils-Erik Eklund,而今天的Bolon则被他的孙女 Annica 和 Marie 发扬光大。2003 年,当这两个女孩从她们的父母 Lars 和 Monica 接过Bolon的那一刻起,她们就将这一重担看做是自己这一生的使命,正因此Bolon得以从过去单纯的地板生产制造商成功转变为以设计为主导,引领全球时尚和室内设计的创新领导者。不仅如此我们还与世界知名设计师、建筑师以及国际品牌商进行项目合作,这让我们感到自豪,但我们并不因此而满足,不断求新求变是 Bolon永远的目标
Brand story
The collection Flow was Bolon’s first recycled flooring, and is a product of the company’s latest initiative, the recycling plant located in the Ulricehamn factory. Bolon has invested SEK 90 million into the process of transitioning to a more sustainable business. And just recently, Bolon secured the process that grinds and modifies old bits of flooring into granules that can then be bound and reshaped into a new material, starting the cycle over.
The plant will also have an impact that stretches outside the company itself. We accept waste products from other manufacturers. Getting rid of dangerous substances and recycling materials demand both time and financial commitment, but Bolon also prides itself on smaller but equally important actions that help the environment, whether that is using clean energy or filtering out particles in the factory air.
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