Graphic Design 平面设计
标识设计-BBC creative logo
BBC 成立了自己的内部创意工作室,希望创意源源不断,请了最顶级的平面设计公司操刀logo设计
Source From the top UK based design studio Spin.
The vision for the BBC as expressed in their charter is simply: ‘To be the most creative organisation in the world’. This is reiterated in the BBC values which states ‘Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation’.
The corporation’s in-house agency, BBC Creative, has an equally clear ambition: ‘To meet this challenge through the making of creative and engaging marketing materials such as trails, idents and graphics, in order to bring to the attention of audiences around the globe the vast range of BBC programmes and services available to them’.
By adding a fourth ‘Creative’ box, an abstract ‘C’ shape, to the three existing BBC squares we express the fundamental relationship between the BBC and Creativity in a direct and dynamic manner. The concept offers a potentially endless visual language, providing a springboard that captures the spirit of adventure and intent within BBC Creative.