Interior Design Reviews 室内设计案例欣赏
Office Design-知名传媒公司Havas Group悉尼办公室设计

Global communications company Havas Group has relocated from multiple separate sites across Sydney to a singular workplace in two connected buildings.
Located within the historic Bushells Tea Building, the site forms part of The Rocks heritage precinct within the Sydney CBD. Spanning six levels, the predominantly open-plan workplace sits respectfully within its heritage envelope. Where required, enclosed spaces are designed as freestanding timber pavilions within the existing built environment. Untreated timber columns, beams, ceiling joists and exposed mechanical services reinforce the industrial origins of the building. Tea shoots remain throughout the levels, spanning through the floors and ceiling, within which Hammond Studio created circular meeting rooms. Cobblestone floors across the ground floor lobby nod to the historical function of the space as a tea loading dock. The cobblestones act as a laneway between the two buildings, presided over by a shimmering concierge pod. A large-scale ‘H’ asserts the Havas presence, the digital totem spanning 5m vertically into an atrium. The laneway is softened by loose furniture settings that provide impromptu meeting spaces for staff and guests to the building.
看其他像共享办公室,实际上是人家知名传媒公司Havas Group的悉尼办公室设计,这个设计非常的清爽,也很清新,既现代,又有一种深厚的感觉
Source: Yellowtrace