Contractor in Beijing 北京的制作施工方, High End 高端, 中型Midsize
Quality production on retail and office零售品牌和商务空间制作

Representing Quality Design, Quality Production and Quality Service, the Kingsmen Q Awards was later introduced in 2012 to create an umbrella award that encompasses the Group’s accolades – Kingsmen Builders Award, Kingsmen Design Awards (previously named Kingsmen Design Competition) and Kingsmen Ambassador Award. Together, the three accolades serves to motivate our people to innovate, redesign, rethink and showcase the best of the Group’s design capabilities, construction works and exemplary service. Every year, a panel of external judges from different industries is invited to evaluate and offer constructive feedback on the Group’s best works.
Encapsulating the Group’s operating ethos – “design-led, quality and service driven”, the Kingsmen Q Awards ultimately serve as a yardstick for the Group to benchmark against the standards of leading companies around the globe.
Kingsmen 集团 是一家从事三维设计与承建的专业性跨国公司。经营范围包括:展台设计与制作、商业性室内装璜、商业产品推广活动、橱窗展示、图文制作、博物馆、展厅的设计与承建等方面的专业性业务。 Kingsmen 总部设在新加坡,在亚太地区拥有 19 个分公司和办事处,距今已有 30 多年的历史。 2003 年 9 月 Kingsmen 集团在新加坡股票市场作为同业代表成功挂牌上市(股市代码: 5835 )。
金一明展示工程 ( 北京 ) 有限公司 是 Kingsmen 集团设在北京的分公司,创建于 1998 年。办公室座落于 CBD 商圈,朝阳区青年路国峰时代大厦。工厂座落于昆山,占地 7000 平米,佣有设施完备的库房和生产车间可为客户提供优质的展陈设备及展柜、展架,并可以提供在中国大陆做巡回展所需的储存、运输、维修等相关的服务。
BURBERRY (博柏利)、 GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI (朱塞佩 . 萨诺弟)ANYA HINDMARCH( 安雅 . 希德玛芝 ) 、 HARRY WINSTON (海轮 . 温斯顿)、 TIFFANY (蒂夫尼)、 HUGO BOSS (波士)、 CARTI(卡帝亚)等;