Local international Designers 本土国际设计师(Reference only 仅为参考)
做中国特色建筑的获奖工作室-素建筑 the architects who specialized chinese style architectures

From the border to Shanghai, and from the city to the rural从边陲到魔都,再从魔都到乡村
有同济大学毕业的两位建筑师合伙的工作室,因为向往实实在在做建筑,成立素建筑安心做起民宅项目 Ma Keyuan and Guo Shaoxun both graduated from Tongji, established partnerly SU Architects.
以下是他们获奖项目award project:
The site of project locates in the region south of Yangtze River, this region is the motherland of Chinese triditional landscape art. The Architect aims to reflect the modern construction technology and living comfort, though this project trying to discuss about how to satisfy the spiritual needs for those Chinese who still really treasured Chinese trditional Cultures of living and abandoning themselves to the nature, to be retired from the noisy world. Therefore, on the existing long and narrow site, architect purposely enlarged the longitudinal scale of circulation, scenic views and even timeline though the strategic transition and composition of spaces, in order to form a spacial pattern of wide depth spaces.The architectural archetype of this project originates from the triditional Chinese architectual pavillion element named “Ting”, which normally constructed from wooden beams, this project was constructed from steel structural system, as bending structural system as wooden beams. The huge overhanging roofs extend the boundaries of architecture into the courtyard and gardens. Finally, this project delivered a consequence that a garden house with three different hierarchies of deep depth spaces, deep³ courtyard.