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    Logo & Branding, Website and APP, Digital and Industrial Products, Exhibition & Interior, Marketing Material, Artists and Photographers, etc. 代理顾问各种创意项目, 品牌设计,网站和APP, 数字和工业产品,展览和各种空间,市场宣传材料,匹配最合适的设计师,艺术家,设计师和项目管理

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来自香港的知名室内建筑设计师Andre Fu- top Asian interior design architect

Posted: 2018-09-25 at 8:50 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

Andre Fu不仅人长得帅,学历高,而且是非常有成就的顶尖亚洲设计师之一。他基本设计的空间项目不是五星级酒店,就是奢华精品酒店或者是其他高端的空间

Born in Hong Kong and educated in England from the age of 14, André Fu holds a Bachelor of Arts at Cambridge University, and a Masters in Architecture from the University of Cambridge.

Fu credits his idiosyncratic design style – a quietly thoughtful, carefully considered yet analytical approach marked by a highly refined aesthetic – to his peripatetic cultural upbringing.

According to the designer, “living, studying and travelling between both countries over the past thirty years is why my own tastemaker sensibility reinterprets traditional notions of national identities or ‘East-meets-West aesthetics’ in a new hybrid. For me, it is about combining a seamless alignment of cultural and design sensibilities, modern luxury, and craftsmanship to shape the world around us.”

Fu became known overnight when he first redefined notions of hospitality with his design of the world-renowned Upper House hotel in Hong Kong, and has since gone on to create forward-thinking interiors for other leading brands.

Fu leads each project personally from his airy design studio, based on the historic Duddell Street in Central, Hong Kong.

“I enjoy working on a wide range of projects across the world but none of these are about me or my personal design style,” he explains.

“Each new commission starts with understanding my client, the brand, and their specific brief or vision so that when someone walks into the space – whether it is an Andaz or a Waldorf hotel, for instance – that is what they see. My signature touches may be there but it is very important to me that the design is about telling a story about the brand.”

傅厚民Andre Fu ,1975年出生于香港,他于剑桥大学建筑系取得硕士学位,并获英国皇家建筑师执业资格证书。于2000年创立AFSO,专注于独特精品设计项目的事务所。Andre Fu获美国版《Conde Nast Traveler》杂志选为”亚洲设计界的风云人物”,更被潮流向导《Wallpaper*》杂志冠称”明日之星”。其作品甚为丰富,主要为独特别致的酒店空间作既独特又个性化的设计,遍布香港、伦敦、上海、新加坡及东京。Andre的设计理念为善用空间,继而从过往历史汲取灵感,经过独特的设计思维作出诠译,演化为极具感性及灵巧多趣的作品。曾为著名建筑师John Pawson的得意门生。亦是已故赌王傅老榕孙儿。 其室内及建筑设计融合了对 新式亚洲美感的不懈追求,在注重空间规划简洁干净的同时,也专 注于日常生活细节的体现。设计理念中最提倡人性化的设计,将明 净的空间规划、对每日生活细节的关注以及对亚洲元素的追求融为 一体,其细致优雅又不失时尚的风格令人印象深刻。

selective projects,代表案例作品

Berkeley Hotel, London


嘉里酒店是香港海滨最新的时尚建筑,也是二十年来首家建在海岸线上的酒店。 这幢十六层酒店的设计初衷是成为“城市中的度假胜地”,旨在在世界上最具活力的城市之一香港打造轻松奢华体验。 为了同时满足商务和休闲旅客的需求,傅先生将户外景观与内部流动的结构完美地结合于一体。